World’s Second Oldest Person Survives COVID-19

Mikaeel Zohair, Staff Writer

Lucile Randon, a 117-year old French nun who is thought to be the world’s second-oldest person, has miraculously survived COVID-19 and celebrated her birthday last Thursday. 

The Gerontology Research Group, which validates the ages of people older than 110, has validated Sister André to be 117 years old and the second-oldest known living person in the world.

French media explain that Lucile, or Sister André, tested positive for the virus in January 2021 but recovered just three weeks after. According to the nun’s care home manager David Tavella, she showed little concern for her health and didn’t even realize she had it for about a week. He said, “She showed no fear of the disease. On the other hand, she was very concerned about the other residents.” 

Although Sister André was lucky enough to overcome COVID-19, 81 of the 88 residents at her care home tested positive for the virus and about 10 of them died in January.

Once French doctors declared Sister André no longer infected from the virus, she returned to attend mass.