Turkey Canned Food Drive
December 2, 2013
Ward Melville’s annual Turkey Canned Food Drive collected over 3,300 items this past November. For the event, students collected canned items and dropped them off in labeled bins near the library all month. As tradition, the teacher who collected the lowest amount of cans, Mr. Negus, was forced to wear a turkey shaped hat for an entire day.
About a dozen teachers participated in the event, including vice principal Mr. Owen, and Key Club advisors Mrs. Goldberg and Mrs. Kane. Other teachers such as Mr. Miller, Mrs. Hatcher, Mrs. DiBella, Mrs. Kraemer, Mrs. Castiglie, Ms. Muller, Mrs. Stringer, Ms. Watson, Ms. Shepard, Mr. Negus, Mrs. Bischoff, Mr. Medina, Mrs. Bischoff, and Mr. Luke Gaddis volunteered as well.
The canned foods went directly to the St. James soup kitchen. Many students, such as Alyssa Abesamis, Donna Yu, Kyra Durko, and Shannon Dalton volunteer at the soup kitchen every week. Ward Melville promoted community service through this event.
The organizers of this event, Mrs. Kane and Mrs. Goldberg, are very proud of all the students who participated. The event was a huge success.