Ward Melville Juniors Featured at the Gallery North Art Show
![Ward Melville Juniors Featured at the Gallery North Art Show](https://kscopenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/booth.png)
September 10, 2014
The annual Gallery North Outdoor Art Show was held on Saturday, September 6 and Sunday, September 7. Various artists displayed their artwork for the Three Village Community. Two Ward Melville Juniors, Rebekah Rosenberg and Grace Whitney, displayed their artwork.
Rebekah Rosenberg has always had a knack for photography and has participated in the Gallery North Art Fair for the past three years. It takes Rebekah months to prepare for the event since she has to print, edit, and mat all of her photographs, but she notes that, “all the work always pays off”. Rebekah is frequently asked which art school she has graduated from, and it often catches people by surprise that the photographs displayed at her booth are in fact her own. Rebekah believes she was successful at this year’s exhibit and remarks, “You will definitely see me there again next year!” For more information on Rebekah and to view her photography, visit her website: http://rebekahrosenbergphotography.com.
Grace Whitney, another junior at Ward Melville High School, displayed her jewelry at the Gallery North Outdoor Art Show. Grace creates enamel jewelry, based on a variety of styles. With her own kiln, she spent hours this summer crafting new pieces to amass a large collection. Although Grace is inspired by “a variety of sources”, she admits that “serendipity” plays a role: “learning to work with the enamel as it comes out of the kiln, instead of holding onto my original ideas of how I want the piece to look.” The Gallery North Outdoor Art Show advanced Grace’s knowledge on creating and selling her artwork. According to Grace, “Being in the show was a great experience, and it’s a great feeling to have people admire and even pay for my work.”