Kaleidoscope Goes to Press Day
Guest speakers at Press Day panel discussion
April 4, 2016
On March 9, 2016, members of Ward Melville’s newspaper Kaleidoscope participated in Adelphi University’s annual Press Day. The event was held for high school students passionate about journalism and communications, and it involved presentations, seminars, and panel discussions about the various ways that newspapers spread information to readers. The staff learned about techniques such as writing unique perspectives and using social media with the ultimate goal of reaching a larger, more active audience.
Regarding Press Day, Kaleidoscope Arts & Entertainment Editor Ashley Hong says, “Press Day was a really great experience. It was really amazing to see so many people passionate about journalism all gathered together to support each other’s work and ideas.”
After Press Day concluded, the Quill Awards ceremony was held in which students had previously submitted newspapers, writing, and photography for competition. Science Editor Kirti Nath was awarded 3rd place for her Op-Ed piece which detailed her experiences as the younger sibling after her sister had left for college last fall.
Adelphi University also holds various other literary events throughout the year, with Poetry Day coming up this year on April 13.