Snow Days: Do We Really Want to Wear Our Pajamas Inside Out?

Kirti Nath, Staff Writer

This time of year brings in bitter cold temperatures, long stretches of school without breaks, and of course a lot of snow. This year, late January and February was especially brutal in terms of snow with Long Island getting hit by storms numerous times. The most notable impact of snow this year was its effect on midterms.

In late January, Three Village received over 20 inches of snow in the midst of midterms week. What followed was a lot of uncertainty in terms when and if midterms and final exams for certain courses would be held, with many different versions of the testing schedules posted on the Ward Melville’s website. Most midterms held after Monday January 26th were cancelled, which consequently affected many quarter and overall course grades. Students had mixed opinions about this occurrence, as midterms in many cases can help student’s averages. But there is always relief following the cancellation of a large exam. Sophomore Megan Bush commented, “In all the intense stress that midterm weeks brings, I couldn’t help but feel instantly relieved when I first heard about the cancellation of the honors chemistry midterm. But, had I studied quite a bit, the test may of helped raise my grade on the Regents exam or score on the SAT subject test.”

Classes and clubs also fell behind schedule due to the many late arrivals, early dismissals and days off. Notably, Ward Melville’s award-winning Invictus yearbook club was delayed amongst all the weather related cancellations. Yearbook member Amy Huang stated, “Yearbook fell pretty far behind because of the snow says, especially because many of them were on Mondays and Tuesdays. We get most of our work done on those days of the week, so the snow really affected us this year. We missed a deadline and are trying to recover the time we lost.” Another member of the club, Lauren Berlinghof, commented that, “We are working as much as possible to make sure that the Yearbook comes on time.”

Snow days are increasingly more complicated as the academic year progresses into a busier and more rigorous period of school year. If another snow day is implemented, we will begin to lose days off of April break. These snow related issues are only made worse by the unreliability of weather predictions.

But of course there is still a part of us that hopes for days off, opportunities to sleep in, and time to catch up on work we have all been meaning to get to. Junior Ariel Leong said, “Well, I guess I like snow days, kind of obviously, because we don’t have to go to school. I love the anticipation of waiting for the superintendent’s phone call too.” There is always a part of us that will put on our pajamas inside-out, regardless of the messy implications snow has on our lives.