The Second and Third Presidential Debates: Trump Analysis


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Samuel Kim, Staff Writer

I have seen both prior debates, and I cannot help but notice the blatant differences between the two. Well, maybe just between the first hour of the first two debates. Certainly, many viewers can agree that the candidates did change from debate to debate.

Donald Trump’s  performance slowly increased over the course of the three debates. He went from two stalemates to a close victory and proved that he indeed can sound presidential. Unlike the second presidential debate, in the third, he did not roast Hillary and there were no anti-Clinton zingers to remember. Personally, I believe that these rhetoric filled zingers helped him stay within 5% of Clinton’s lead (especially after the 2005 tape surfaced). Instead, he took a more “Clinton” approach and he addressed the issues instead. The absence of these one-liners may have made him look a bit more presidential, but it did make him utter something much more questionable.

In my opinion, his goal is to use the “rigged” media to his advantage. He might want to cover the headlines with “Trump does this” and “Trump did that.” If his goal, after the three debates, was to attract more attention to himself, he definitely succeeded. The latest “Trump line” was actually not for his business. He said that he would “keep you in suspense” in terms of his acceptance of election results. This latest quote may cause people to “dump Trump;” however, a lot of polls have been coming out to show that “blue states” are actually in a deadlock, with Trump and Clinton tied in Colorado and other important states.